Thursday, February 6, 2020

Doctor Bang - Time For A Vacation

Doctor Bang - Time For A VacationDoctor Bang is back with his third collaboration with Tim Fenton, in which he brings in the creator of the hit Walking Dead comic book series, a walking dead 'comic book teacher' and a zombie 'dinosaur trainer'. Doctor Bang has taken his newest course to be a cruise to explore the New York City. He knows that he is going to encounter the few survivors of the city he is in and when he gets there, he will teach them how to survive.This time around, Dr. Bang is only a cruise guide and nothing more than that. The big difference this time around is that the aim of the tour is to have an adventure and to tell the passengers what to do. At the same time, it is just the Doctor and his guide that will come with him and at least for the first part of the adventure, the Doctor is going to be on his own. That is where it becomes tricky for the passengers as to who is teaching them and who is leading them.This is the second time that the group has been involved in a trip to New York City and this time, the group is going to meet up with some of the extra special guests. Some of the guests that have been invited to the cruise are the following: William Shatner (Star Trek), David Duchovny (Freaks and Geeks), and Rob Zombie (Night of the Living Dead). There are also some friends of the Doctor in the group as well, like Neil Patrick Harris (Avengers), Anjelica Huston (True Blood) and one or two of the cast of CSI Miami.The biggest difference is that this time around, the group is going to spend a lot of time on the water and this has caused quite a big difference in the group's chemistry. Also, the group has lost most of their supplies and they all start talking like one another and not as 'team players'. As far as things go on land, the new Captain for the trip is Edward Cleaver and this is brought about by a misunderstanding over why the cruise is going to New York City. One of the guests has been giving the group instructions and they suspect that this 'authority' may have something to do with the missing supply.The group has been to New York before and have all heard of the famous bumble bee and the different ways in which the bumble bee can get into different parts of the city. They seem to know where this individual may be but at the same time, they have questions of their own. This is because the group has not met before in person and this is making them talk as though they have just met and this is causing them to think as one unit and this can cause problems when they face some of the zombies that they encounter.Doctor Bang is a great story and he brings out the best in each of the characters in the group. One of the members of the group is Ellen, who has not much time to study the ways of the world and he has decided to take her on a cruise so that she will get out and see the world and see where she belongs. Other members include Scott, who seems to be the leader of the group, who is the type of guy that when he makes a decision, he does it his way and not in the best interests of the group. His favorite mode of transportation is the bus and he feels that he is doing the right thing.The group is not the same group from the first time that Doctor Bang took them on a cruise. There are more of the crew members, more of the passengers and this is due to changes that are taking place in the group. The story is a great one and we will surely want to see where the group ends up next. Doctor Bang, Tim Fenton and the gang have done it again and the time for a vacation may just be here for Doctor Bang and the crew of the cruise.

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